Wednesday 18 January 2017

Gattaca Movie Review (Critical/Tabloid)

Possibly Genre Defining?

Gattaca follows Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) in the not too distant future where the population of the world is divided, not by race not by gender, but by your very genes, Valid or Invalid that is who you are in the world of Gattaca.

Vincent is from "Gods Birth" Born an Invalid and to forever live as one, but he decides to change this.

Vincent swaps lives with another Jerome Eugene Morrow (Jude Law) a valid who has had his entitlement to perfection taken from him now living as a person with paraplegia, Vincent seizes the opportunity to live under his name.

Part 1 (Why this film will rock your socks a thousand times over)

If there is one thing to apply to the ingenious world of Gattaca it would be believable, a cleverly realised future that rides upon social statures of today's world, it creates this future proof mark on the film as if it is always relevant and is to stay that way.

To think that worlds I'm truly invested in the worlds of other media such as Deus Ex Human Revolution, yet now I see how Gattaca as the inspiration for that world and how Deus Ex borrows heavily from this.

The divide between to different types of human Augmented or Non-Augmented, Valid or Invalid, the world alone carry's this film to a new high, The most powerful scenes being anywhere Vincent (Ethan Hawke) voicing over the clips showing us the world and what he thinks.

The perfect series of clips showing the life of an invalid and the valid around him with some excellent dialogue to boot such as "Discrimination down to a science."

But enough boasting about the world because if there is one other aspect that is faultless it would be the soundtrack.

You can't help but turn the volume up to full whack whenever a single part of the orchestral soundtrack is played; you know a soundtrack is good when the next time you hear it, it's coming out of the speakers of your car. It is really that powerful.

Part 2 (Why my socks partially were not rocked)

While the visuals, on the other hand, leave much to be desired while I throw as many compliments at this film on world building and soundtrack, the visuals take a more basic and almost sickly look.

The majority of the film has this yellow grade to it now something minor would be fine, Deus Ex the game actually has the same filter effect, but Gattaca sometimes looks like they filmed it through a pint glass filled with lager.

It just looks sickly actors skin tones look odd, and the world just loses some of that futuristic appeal and becomes flat, I mean just look at the image below.

Everything just starts merging, and lighting becomes non-apparent regarding separation from backgrounds.

However, while looking at it critically it hasn't had too much a cultural impact that some might expect it to have had after reading this, it is nothing short of ground-breaking in a heavily action oriented sci-fi worlds we see in todays films.

There has never been a film I've felt I missed out on, but after not seeing this film ever in my life until recently, I can safely say I missed out, and if you haven't seen it either then get to watching it.

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